Welcome to 8seasons

Important Notice: Doreenbeads.com is Merging with 8Seasons.com!

Dear Valued Customer,

We are thrilled to announce that in our ongoing commitment to delivering superior products and services, Doreenbeads.com will be merging with 8Seasons.com. ...view more

After the merger, you will enjoy:

- More Competitive Wholesale Pricing: Enjoy lower wholesale prices that allow you to benefit from bulk pricing, buy more, save more! Even if you only buy at retail, you can still enjoy wholesale prices

- Better Shopping Experience: 8seasons.com will continue to optimize and improve website functions to provide customers with a smoother navigation experience, increased site speed, and more rapid and professional customer support services.

You can use your existing Doreenbeads.com account and password to directly log in to 8Seasons.com and continue your online shopping journey.

Note: After logging in 8seasons, the system will convert your total consumption amount in Doreenbeads into a VIP level of 8seasons.com.

For more questions or concerns, please click here to view our Q&A >

Should you have any questions, our customer service team welcomes your inquiries and is ready to assist with the transition.

We sincerely appreciate your support for Doreenbeads.com over the years. We look forward to delivering even more outstanding service on 8Seasons.com and accompanying you every step of the way.


Doreenbeads Team
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Important Notice: Doreenbeads.com is Merging with 8Seasons.com!

Dear Valued Customer,

We are thrilled to announce that in our ongoing commitment to delivering superior products and services, Doreenbeads.com will be merging with 8Seasons.com.

After the merger, you will enjoy:
- More Competitive Wholesale Pricing: Enjoy lower wholesale prices that allow you to benefit from bulk pricing, buy more, save more! Even if you only buy at retail, you can still enjoy wholesale prices
- Better Shopping Experience: 8seasons.com will continue to optimize and improve website functions to provide customers with a smoother navigation experience, increased site speed, and more rapid and professional customer support services.

You can use your existing Doreenbeads.com account and password to directly log in to 8Seasons.com and continue your online shopping journey.
Note: After logging in 8seasons, the system will convert your total consumption amount in Doreenbeads into a VIP level of 8seasons.com.

For more questions or concerns, please click here to view our Q&A >

Should you have any questions, our customer service team welcomes your inquiries and is ready to assist with the transition.
We sincerely appreciate your support for Doreenbeads.com over the years. We look forward to delivering even more outstanding service on 8Seasons.com and accompanying you every step of the way.

Doreenbeads Team

Contact Us

We provide Product Sourcing Service, Stainless Steel Customized Service, Custom-Made Service, Trending Product Recommendation, which can meet your special demands.The four services are timely and efficient. Have a try and we believe you will enjoy our services.

  • Product Sourcing Service

  • Stainless Steel Customized Service

  • Custom-Made Service


Have you been trying to find some products on our website but failed? If so, our Product Sourcing Service will definitely help you a lot. We are able to source any new range/design of products as you required. Just submit related information, and we will start sourcing for you now.


Upload photos, drawings, existing specification sheets, or other relevant documents to let us understand your requirements better.

Format only Accept: png, jpg,jpeg, bmp, gif, doc, docx. One file should be no more than 2MB.

What will happen after I submitted the requirement?

We will send you a feedback about the product you submitted within 2 workdays. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via sale@doreenbeads.com.

Product Sourcing Examples from Customers
Product Sourcing Records
Buyer Name Country Products Details Submission Date
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